What is a Workers’ Comp Claim?
If you have been injured or made ill on the job, then you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim.
These claims allow you to receive a portion of your regular pay while you are out of work, as well as to be compensated for the medical bills or rehabilitation costs that you incur as a result of the injury. Filing a workers’ comp claim is a fairly straightforward process, and should be done as quickly as possible. In addition to filing the claim itself, it is essential that you let your employer know about your injury. Failure to do so in a timely way can jeopardize your eligibility for compensation.
In the best cases, employers willingly cooperate with a workers’ compensation claim. Ethical employers understand that workers’ compensation is about helping employees to get better so that they can get back to work without being economically damaged by the injury that has occurred. Unfortunately, some employers are not cooperative, and may contest your claim. When this happens, the best way to protect your rights is to seek representation from a workers’ compensation attorney. The Law Offices of Christian Petrucci have the experience you need to help you get what you deserve.
Employers are required to pay for workers’ compensation insurance specifically to provide coverage in case of a workers’ compensation claim, so when you let your employer know that you have a claim, they will generally provide you with claim forms that they will then submit to their insurance carrier. After your claim is submitted, your employer or their insurer will either approve it or deny its validity. If your claim is approved you will receive notice of what process to follow to submit your medical receipts and information on how you will receive payment. If, however, your employer or their insurance adjuster elects to contest your claim then you will need to provide additional documentation. This may include medical records regarding your injury and treatment or even witness testimony by colleagues. At The Law Offices of Christian Petrucci, we have extensive knowledge of how to best present your circumstances in order to make sure that you get the compensation to which you’re entitled.
In most cases, a workers’ compensation claim is designed to provide you with reimbursement for medical bills and any time that you miss from work and the process goes smoothly. However, there are a number of reasons why a workers’ comp claim may be denied. These may include a failure to report the injury or illness in a timely manner, a dispute on the part of the employer or their insurance carrier, or stated questions about the seriousness of your injury. Whatever the reason, it is important that if your workers’ comp claim is denied, you speak to an experienced workers’ comp attorney. They will be able to help you to decide whether to file an appeal and help you to with the process. Appealing a workers’ comp denial is far more complicated than filing the original claim, and may require extensive evidence collection. Having an attorney working on your behalf is the best way to help yourself through the process.