Social Security Lawyer in Philadelphia

If you have been disabled and are about to file for Social Security disability, you may be considering whether you to call a Social Security lawyer in Philadelphia for guidance and representation.

There are a number of very important benefits to having an attorney by your side through this process.

Though it is certainly possible to file for Social Security disability on your own, the chances of having your application approved are significantly increased for those who have legal counsel, and particularly for those whose lawyers concentrate their practice in in this type of law. A Social Security lawyer understands the importance of getting everything right on your application from the outset, from the “alleged onset date” of your disability to providing detailed evidence that your condition meets the agency’s requirements for compensation. They understand exactly what the Social Security office is looking for, and what will be most meaningful to them to get your application approved.

Unfortunately, statistically speaking the majority of initial Social Security disability applications get rejected and are then sent to another level for reconsideration and appeal. Where the initial application is rather basic in its level of detail, at the hearing level your attorney will be able to provide more extensive information, including all relevant medical evidence and opinions from physicians. These hearings are held before Administrative Law Judges, and your attorney will provide you with extensive preparation so that you know exactly how best to answer all questions.

When you have a Social Security lawyer acting on your behalf at you appeal hearing, they will be able to ask you and other witnesses and experts who are present the questions whose answers will give you the opportunity to prove your need for benefits. If your initial appeal is rejected again, your attorney will represent you and argue on your behalf in front of the Appeals Council and federal court to show that your application was wrongly denied.

Hiring a Social Security Lawyer in Philadelphia is not an expensive proposition. The government has created regulations that limit the costs to 25% of the amount that is owed to you in back pay, though it is important to remember that if your case needs to be appealed to the Appeals Council or federal court, the costs will likely run higher. One way or another, fees generally do not exceed a maximum amount of $6,000, and fees can only be charged if the attorney successfully wins your case for you.

If you have become unable to work and are considering filing for Social Security disability, it is important that you consult with an attorney as early as possible. The Social Security disability application process is notoriously long, and you may find yourself waiting for months for your case to be resolved. The earlier you file, the less back pay the government will owe you and the less you will owe your attorney once they win your case. For information on how the Social Security disability attorneys at the Law Offices of Christian Petrucci can answer all of your questions and help you become eligible for benefits, please contact us today.

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