Exploring How to Calculate the Average Weekly Wage
When you are placed on workers compensation, it is very important that your wages get calculated correctly so that you get the money you are due. For salaried employees that get paid weekly, monthly, or yearly, figuring out these calculations can be fairly straight forward. For hourly and commission based employees, however, calculating the proper wages can be a bit more difficult as their yearly income can change from year to year, and employers can often miscalculate. What’s more, if you work for multiple employers and need to be compensated for each different job, calculating your proper wage can be even more difficult. Many people on workers compensation are hourly employees, and if you are among them make sure your employer is calculating your wages correctly. Read more: http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202654590545/Exploring-How-to-Calculate-the-Average-Weekly-Wage#ixzz31tq3gJAA