Court Takes a Step Back on Proving Abnormal Working Conditions
In Christian Petrucci’s latest blog he tackles the recent State Supreme Court Case of Payes v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Police), which dealt with the issue of “mental-mental” workers’ compensation claims. Mental-mental claims pertain to those who are dealing with psychiatric or mental disabilities caused by work injury. Before this case it had been very hard to prove disability due to psychological or mental injury, but the Supreme Court has now found that the lower tribunal had been a bit over reaching in the past.
The most important thing to take away from this case is the importance of medical evidence and support to help prove the validity of a mental-mental claim. This challenge has often posed difficult for many, but it is essential in winning a mental-mental case. Read more about Payes v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board in Christian’s latest article for The Legal Intelligencer. Follow the link below to the full article: